Seniors Living

There’s no place like home !

At designacube we understand the importance of family and community. There’s no need to move away from your family & friends, when you can install a new “purpose built” adaptable home in your existing home’s backyard, and hire in the help.

Our homes are purpose built and accessible with ramps, wider hallways & doorways, separate access, higher powerpoints, adaptable bathrooms & kitchens with level floors (no steps) and customized to your needs. We can even connect your new home to your existing home via a breezeway or deck.

Your stay at home kids can move into the family home or you can rent it out for income. Alternately, consider building a 2nd dwelling on a relative’s block. You now have more options then ever to consider before committing to change.

Under the Federal government’s policy of Ageing in Place you can receive all the usual services our seniors deserve, delivered right to your family home. click on link
designacube have partnerships with care providers in your area who are ready & willing to assist, if and when needed. You can stay connected and join in the local group’s village activities whilst staying in the community you love…..”there’s no place like home” with designacube’s seniors living “resort style” homes.